Rivendell Study Center

Mission Statement

Our mission is to support and enhance the efforts of home schooling families by providing classical and Christian tutorial services. Our curriculum utilizes the methodology of the trivium, the educational foundation of our Western culture.

As home educators ourselves, we understand how difficult it is to provide a distinctly Christian and classical education for our children. Even though it is our heart’s desire that they receive this type of excellent education, we find that we may sometimes lack the resources (time and expertise) to offer all of the curricula to all of our children all on our own.

Finally, a viable option exists for Western New York home school families, who would appreciate a classical Christian education for their child. Rivendell, a non-profit Christian and classical study center, assists parents by providing a two day per week tutorial service for grades 1-12. Rivendell students are instructed by tutors in all of the following core subjects: History, Latin, Logic, Writing, and Literature. Students may also elect to take classes in science, math, and other courses which are determined on an annual basis. The other days the students work at home on their assignments under your guidance. It’s no longer all up to you! All of your children are welcome, and you can share in this rich environment with other like-minded families.
As a tax-exempt charitable organization, we gladly accept donations and can provide receipts. General fund and Scholarship fund donations are distributed at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
We meet at St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church in Tonawanda, NY.

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Robotics First LEGO Competition

December 2023

Open House

January 22 or 24, 2024

Celebration of Learning Event -

Year 2

February 08, 2024

Good News

National Latin Exam Awards

Congratulations to Rivendell Study Center for achieving our highest scores, to date, on the National Latin Exam! In March, 41 of our students participated in the National Latin Exam, of which 13 scored at award levels. These awards included Magna Cum Laude, Silver Maxima Cum Laude and our first perfect score. In addition to recognition from the American Classical League, Rivendell also awarded an additional nine students with Honorable Mentions for scoring within five points of award levels. "Bene factum" to all 22 students! 

Rivendell Raptors Win Project Innovation Award during First Lego League Local Competition

On December 17 the Rivendell Raptors competed in the FIRST LEGO League robotics tournament in person for the first time in two years. The team's innovation project won first place and featured a home-built manure fueled heating system. The theme was "SUPERPOWERED".

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