Family Health Agreement

Family Health Agreement

All Rivendell Families must read, sign, and adhere to the health protocols for the safety of the entire Rivendell Study Center and St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church communities. The goal is to prevent the spread of communicable illnesses. All families must take responsibility and follow these steps on their honor for the common goal of the safety and health of all our members of the community and their families.

  1. All people are entitled to privacy regarding their health choices and vaccinations.
  2. All students, parents, tutors, and administrators entering ensures that their temperature must be below 100.4*F without fever reducing medication. If their temperature is at or above 100.4*F, or if they are ‘feeling feverish’, that person will remain at home. If a parent wants to check their student’s temperature, an infrared, non-contact thermometer is in the Rivendell office.
  3. All students and adults who come into the building must be symptom free of any of the following symptoms:
  4. Fever or chills
  5. Cough
  6. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  7. Fatigue
  8. Muscle or body aches
  9. Headache
  10. New loss of taste or smell
  11. Sore throat
  12. Congestion or runny nose
  13. Nausea or vomiting
  14. Diarrhea
  15. If a student becomes ill or develops symptoms while attending classes, the student will be removed from class until the parents or emergency contacts come to pick them up. If an adult becomes ill or develops symptoms while at Rivendell, they will leave the building immediately. The area in which that person spent time will be cleaned rigorously immediately.
  16. If a person who has been at RSC tests positive for a highly communicable and severe virus, they must contact the Head of Study Center immediately. That person will remain at home for the duration of the illness/symptoms and must be symptom free for 3 full days before returning to Rivendell Study Center. Those who would have been exposed in potential contact with the infected person will be notified. Please realize that sending a child with symptoms may put an entire class or more at risk of shut down, and therefore we need your vigilance to adhere to the health monitoring policies.
  17. As RSC Families, we understand that our community will not agree on everything and some aspects and experiences will be vastly different. However, everyone will be treated with respect. 
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